directorship|directorships in English


[di'rec·tor·ship || -ʃɪp]

management; position or office of directo

Use "directorship|directorships" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "directorship|directorships" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "directorship|directorships", or refer to the context using the word "directorship|directorships" in the English Dictionary.

1. She resigned the directorship.

2. He will retire from directorship next year.

3. Sales increased by 25% under Danoff's directorship.

4. Barry resigned his directorship in December 19

5. Mr. X has been named for the directorship.

6. Father is thinking of applying for directorship.

7. She's just landed herself a company directorship.

8. He is shooting at the directorship.

9. He is offerred a directorship with Smith Ltd.

10. She resigned her directorship and left the firm.

11. His directorship has come under fierce attack.

12. He will retire from the army / his directorship next year.

13. I have decided to recommend you for the directorship.

14. A veteran cadre was named for the directorship.

15. Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship.

16. He resigned his directorship and left the firm.

17. He will retire from his directorship next year.

18. He had a company directorship dangled in front of him.

19. The young woman has been named for the directorship.

20. Ashton took over the directorship and maintained the pace.

21. He was proud of his directorship, excellent salary, and good benefits.

22. The Institute was established in 1960 under the directorship of Professor Leon Radzinowicz.

23. He could earn up to £1m a year in salary and emoluments from many directorships.

24. Ms X has been named for the directorship / named as the new director.

25. Between 1737 and 1739, Bach's former pupil Carl Gotthelf Gerlach held the directorship of the Collegium Musicum.